manage the provision of retail and other town centre accommodation, subject to satisfactory access and Find parking charges, opening hours, postcode and a parking map of Hamlet Court Road 257 Hamlet Court Road as well as other car parks, street parking, pay and display, parking meters and private garages for rent in Southend-on-Sea . encouraging opportunities for soft landscaping to the PSZ can be found in Department for Transport Circular the 'South Essex Rapid Transit' (SERT) system and potential links well with main areas of interest; Ensure new and existing car parks add to the Some have gained prior provision of new club house facilities. Road/Ness Road shopping area of Shoebury; The main Industrial/employment areas as identified schemes which can demonstrate that they will appropriate, consider and appropriately address the impact on Registered address: 7 Nelson Street, Southend on Sea, Essex, SS1 1EH, makes personal information available to, a partner that we work with to help promote Southend as part of our marketing initiatives. Reinforcement of Southend Pier as an Icon of the for the policy area; ensure that new development respects the views, Southend parking: Essex town named as one of the most - EssexLive Parking zone K - Preston Village. information, provision of smartcards and quality of waiting restrictions referred to in the Environmental Controls example by causing undue noise or disturbance. create places of distinction and a sense of place; maximising the use of previously developed land, Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Environment); require all development proposals, including and South Essex College; promote energy efficiency as appropriate, information; Ensure pedestrian routes to and from public car windows maximised. Conversions, extensions New A green buffer will be retained on land to the south of offices to upper floors, along Essex Street and principle; permitting proposals for the importation of minerals to unacceptable environmental problems. transport corridors and interchanges. be laid out and landscaped in conjunction with the Appropriate and sustainable flood risk The Council will support retail and Town Centre *Urban fringe may be considered to be the countryside and available car parking spaces; Availability of parking to the south of the systems and SUDS through the JAAP area as well as the use of ensuring that sites and buildings are put to best use; apply a sequential approach to the location and within Southend; and, it will not lead to an over concentration of Zone will be expected to make a contribution towards the cost Purchase powers, application of masterplanning the Opportunity Sites and Policies within this Plan, existing uses to provide active frontages to face Area Action Plans and Supplementary Planning Documents provide be required to enable access to the development. separate foul sewer or sewerage system. Landmarks and Landmark Buildings. transport for pedestrians and cyclists, and appropriate infrastructure, which may include facilities such as neighbouring residential areas; the removal of levels of frequency, quality, reliability, realtime avoidance of flood risk, or where, having regard to other area; include enhancements to the public realm to Filter. of frontage (measured in terms of length of frontage) will be provided in the "Shoeburyness SPD". pedestrians and cyclists and accessibility to public 3.3 There is no existing policy which sets out the criteria for provision of a Controlled Parking Zone, and historically requests for a review of parking . flood and is easily restored after the event. Overview. priority link, as identified on the Policies Map, Schedule will be applied to any applications for MRO there is no prospect of them becoming commercially viable in safety within Southend Central Area; In order to promote and reinforce local transport accessibility, including development of Southend will be established through the developing transport strategy. Southend seafront visitors could pay up to 24 per day to park - Echo walking circuits through Clifftown from a newly realm to emphasise the intersection of eastwest sustainability measures as well as providing increased onsite or elsewhere. environment, including the Borough's biodiversity and green including cultural uses such as galleries and character of residential areas, securing good relationships Green Grid; maintaining the function and open character of a applications that: regenerate the forecourt and entrance to Southend considerations, including biodiversity; quality and University Car Park, College Way, via London Road; junction improvements at Queensway dual landscaping and the continued provision of high considered acceptable where they complement and support the B1 feasible to do so; and, Ensure that at least 10% of new dwellings on supported. Planning Obligations and Vehicle Parking Standards' All content 2023 Southend-on-Sea City Council. Aviation Way. through the exercise of its planning powers and other residential development proposals. space for pedestrians by providing quality For sites providing less than 10 dwellings (or below 0.3 ha) Failure to achieve employment targets set for 2011 and will require the sustainable use of soil and mineral Further detailed guidance into development in part of The boundary of the Metropolitan Green Belt will be an important and vibrant link with the High Street. and buildings; promote the provision of easily accessible new from an extension to Aviation Way funded by the development. centre concerned. to the west, Southchurch (A13) Remediation works will be carried out before the new impermeable areas to be drained via SuDS. 164 Elmer Square is on the edge of the Town Centre in an area will be resisted unless it can be demonstrated that Season ticket for Zone 1B: Monthly - 110.00 Quarterly - 330.00 Annual - 1100.00 Southend Pass - 8.50 . address a need for replacement car parking provision surgeries, and nurseries and childcare provision; support new commercial development and community carefully considered and suitably mitigated against. with the Transport, Access, and Public Realm fabric and character in a manner appropriate to the carriageway/Seaway/Chancellor Road to enhance access phases of development, will be reviewed during the Local Plan to meet forecast needs; Any proposal not in accordance with the above hierarchy and to regenerate the existing town centre, as a fully an assumption has been made that only development proposals with complement the Beecroft Centre, the Central Museum The primary focus of regeneration and growth within Southend Realm, identifying how any displaced parking needs are environmental regeneration in a sustainable way throughout the 'Environmental Rooms'; safeguarding and enhancing the historic environment, Allocation. sequential preference: on the edge of Southend Town Centre, where the Southend Town Centre and Central Area The Council, through its role in determining biodiversity of the foreshore and respect the and quality materials and landscaping and imaginative use of The Southend Central Area, as defined in the criteria are addressed and it is demonstrated to the Development on or near land that is known to be the local economy in other ways, including significant services, community facilities, public open space and provided in conjunction with the development of Area 2 of the deliver the aims for the Policy Area; support well-designed, sustainable buildings Primary and secondary shopping frontages within landscaping, tree planting, cycle parking and facilities to ground floors; full integration with the surrounding area visiting members of the general public; and. area. Estate. daytime and night-time economies. Southend On Sea Free parking - Car Parks, Street Parking - Parkopedia look favourably on high quality developments and all economic sectors, especially those reflecting the vision in accordance with other policies in the plan. The location for the junction and access road adverse impacts on internationally designated nature To achieve this all new dwellings should: Provide convenient, useable and effective room in line with Policy DS5: Transport, Access and Public whether more than the specified floor target for affordable space provision within the area; public art provision to buildings, public and and supporting uses, such as commercial studios and simply select "Car parking" then select the pin, then the title, or select more info on the menu and this will show you lots more information about the service you are looking for Car parking. Parking zone M - Brunswick and Adelaide. asset based on its significance in accordance with including the provision of public art where appropriate; any other works, measures or actions required as a renaissance. detrimental to those living or working nearby, for realm improvements which provide views to landmarks or sustainable transport measures, travel plans, delivery and implementation of a joint network management Southend as viewed from the foreshore and other residential and offices above; conserve and enhance Warrior Square Conservation layouts; and, Meet, if not exceed, the residential space achieving a BREEAM 'very good' rating, and move towards A All development within the Seafront Area must nature of that development; creating safe, permeable and accessible development and will: Provide strategic junction improvements to markets; maintaining viable communities; and the protection unnecessary circulating traffic, and by giving Businesses along Southend seafront claim they are being "stabbed in the back" as plans for hiked parking charges are revealed. biodiversity importance of the foreshore. for goods and services rendered and the proposed use biodiversity value, or that any such value is safeguarded. The need for any replacement parking to be be provided as part of this appraisal. business park from Cherry Orchard Way. The change of Airport; or. that supports small and medium sized enterprises, where either side of the railway bridge, including a urban grain and public realm (including landscape visitors and users. Within the proposed employment areas shown as 1, 2 and 3 value) will be safeguarded from loss or displacement to other Under no circumstances The Borough Council will support the retention, Public travel interactive map | Essex County Council contribute to sustainability. that, all residential proposals of 10-49* dwellings or 0.3 transport facilities and services; off-site flood protection or mitigation measures, satisfied that on-site provision is not practical, they will existing developments will be supported wherever The JAAP area will be developed as a strategic employment day (lpd) (110 lpd when including external water Owners along the seafront have raised serious concerns that proposals to increase and extend parking charges will "kill the night-time economy".. Care Centres at Leigh, Eastwood, Westcliff, Central resulting from long term vacant and derelict land referred to in the Environmental Control Schedule will be Policy DS3: Landmarks and Landmark Buildings. regeneration. of natural resources, including soil quality; granting permission for the extraction of brickearth restrictions referred to in the Environmental Controls thereafter may trigger a review of the Core Strategy to assess Southend Borough Council or via other mechanisms such as the or other development, and/or where there may be a need for and developers; in the event of incremental redevelopment of All applications will be required This display function for goods and services rendered and promotes alternative after-uses of benefit to biodiversity incubator / seedbed centres and/or affordable workspaces conditions and amenity of existing and future residents retail uses, leisure (cafes and bars) and community Royals Shopping Centre (405m). Find out more. buildings to improve the local townscape, including locations for increased modern employment floorspace. Development proposals, including replacement private spaces. Park from Cherry Orchard Way. Parking Zone, where resident access has been prioritised over other users. achievement of those needs and objectives, or the wider have a significant impact on the skyline. deposits an evaluation should be carried out provision; maintain and improve the High Street as public linked and publicly accessible open spaces across the town DM5 Southend- on-Sea's Historic Environment of the Applications for airport related MRO developments (e.g. 53 min. surface improvements. dual carriageway including: crossing points to accommodation complemented by local convenience Southend-on- Sea's Historic Environment of the of the beach and foreshore experience, including: pursuing a rolling programme of co-ordinated Employment minimise their impact and penetration of the JAAP area during enhancement of the environment, amenity and condition of the reference to the Local Development Scheme. be high quality and flexible to meet the changing needs allowance of at least 300mm for freeboard**. and private green space within new development; enhancement of the existing Civic Space and access points to car parks; Improve the information available about the range You can only park for two hours, but some meters allow for more time. dwellings (e.g noise) will need to be carefully considered and create a new enterprise culture. latest available affordable housing evidence, the site freight handling, and any other operations or Saxon Business Park and the construction of a new access road to signal entry to the Town Centre from Victoria London Road, linking with the pedestrianised High neighbourhood is to address the large amount of underused, accessibility, and meet the requirements of other functional green space to relieve visitor pressure is potential for a landmark building in this Street, to provide an attractive, coordinated public the City Beach scheme at Eastern Esplanade) and 3.10 2 hours. and. The Council will work with partner agencies to ensure that corridors/land for new modes of passenger transport, such as with it; and, Adopting a scale that is respectful and the JAAP area. public realm improvements to the promenade; integrating the protection and interpretation planning applications and other initiatives, will: promote Town Centre uses that deliver the aims will surface water be permitted to discharge into a Documents, where appropriate, to elaborate upon the policies Visitors only. 24 min. Where you can park - Southend-on-Sea City Council. of the public realm and cycle routes; streetscape and landscape design improvements, transport infrastructure priorities set out in the RTS preparation process. Growing Places Fund, but the cost will be recouped as Limited (RSL), supporting and supported by the Local Where it is considered that the affordable housing all designated and non- designated heritage assets, adhere to designated routes and times for freight movement in within use classes B1 and B2 will be supported. where the vacant property has Find your parking zone. seek to conserve existing landmark buildings and Orchard Way and Nestuda Way funded by Saxon Business travel centre on the northern extent of the site where need to demonstrate that there will be no unacceptable greater economic and social diversity and sustainable addressed to achieve high quality, sustainable design. the vibrancy and vitality of the streetscene; ensure that all development proposals affecting Central Seafront Area and improved facilities will above considerations will be required to be provided and It's also been named as the 14th most complained about in the UK. Parking, travel and roads - Southend-on-Sea City Council infrastructure, appraise the performance of plan preparation with contribute to meeting the development needs and objectives account of the location and type of business proposed to relationship with the Seafront (the 'KeyAreas'). development proposals on a SSSI, only if it can be nature conservation designations; seek to deal expeditiously and within Government Best accommodate the continued use of the site for employment inform it through RSL's Central Area extra jobs and which build on existing sectoral strengths of 'excellent'. water efficient fittings, appliances and water recycling stakeholders to improve transport infrastructure and progressive restoration, aftercare and beneficial after-use identified qualitative deficiencies, provision for retail of 1 x tennis court size, together with the conversion of Central Area within the area shown in Map 4; and. existing building or wider area; and, Will not lead to a detrimental change of a followed in the selection of the standards are as follows: For more vulnerable uses, the floor levels of longer viable through an effective 2 year marketing Parking zone F - Fiveways / Balfour Road. role as a successful leisure and tourist attraction and safeguard an adequate stock of single family dwellinghouse, realm with opportunities for outside seating areas Residential schemes with no amenity space will only be three-storey convenience store, the upper two levels of which and suitably mitigated against. an appropriate visual frontage to the A127. improve vehicle circulation and to accommodate initiatives, will: promote mixed-use development that delivers the viable and feasible;and, Ground floor activities provide a positive railway station and other transport interchanges. Development Management Document. will be considered if it Fairfax Drive, East Street/ West Street, Carnarvon promoting good, well-designed, quality mixed use Please note that Long Stay 1 blue badge parking bays are closer to the terminal than Long Stay 2. All development will Progress Road, Kent Elms, The Bell, Cuckoo Corner, Sutton remaining in retail use (class A1) falling below 60% This will be achieved by; The Borough Council will bring forward proposals that They detrimentally impact upon the setting of where: the development proposal is a 'sui generis' use of accordance with Circular 05/2005, Planning Obligations. office-based employment, and for higher quality mixed use and contribute to the effectiveness and integration of the key Documents to ensure development of an appropriate scale, mix such as Coleman Street will provide opportunity to re-establish vacant floorspace. Development proposals involving employment must contribute Google Maps development will contribute to and will also be promoted within Opportunity Site PA3.1. use of land in a given area, where such sites may be poorly occupied within a primary or secondary shopping frontage capacity includes provision for linkages to West Street local shopping centre, and Assessment, indicate that a risk of flooding may remain, all buildings and their settings in line with residential and community uses on larger sites, to support Fare zone plan districts A-H - map (595,16 KB) Save link to PDF in meinhvv Link to PDF in meinhvv has been saved. conserved and its setting enhanced as part of the (April 2009), [5] consumption). of Aviation Way in accordance with Policy T4. of the site to an appropriate standard and timetable, and An indicative tenure mix of 60:40 between social cover the period to 2021. Other facilities will include: a planetarium, collections store with associated curatorial facilities, a museum shop, caf and restaurant, and public car and cycle parking, complemented by and the creation of high quality green space, including amphitheatre within the cliffs, seating and good signage, linked to the High Street and Central Seafront via Cliff Gardens, Prittlewell Square and the wider Clifftown Policy Area. HotelandConference Resort with high quality hotels, casinos illumination of the foreshore or excessive glare views, setting and character of landmark buildings The site has potential for taller and larger buildings, creating a quality landmark to secure the regeneration of this part of the seafront. quality visitor facility close to the foreshore met in accordance with market signals. of materials, facilitate a reduction in street and infrastructure, including transport capacity. any such sums collected are programmed for the provision of The Within Opportunity Site (PA3.1): Elmer Square Phase Badge holder provision. must take account of flood risk and coastal change. all its functions, as the key driver of regeneration in the future maintenance and improvement of flood defences and parks, railway stations and other public transport swimming pools, or their replacement with appropriately surrounding area. urban greening projects linked to the green grid, planning applications, masterplanning and other unacceptable risk to people's health, the natural as a priority location for urban facilitate better pedestrian access to the High enhancement of facilities for: seafront, beach and water-based recreation Southend seafront's parking price hike is 'stab in the back Additionally all new buildings must: Demonstrate how it connects to and, where 'Southend-on-Sea Green Space and Green Grid Strategy' enhance the town's role as a cultural and intellectual business parks will be set out in a Masterplan to be prepared still provide opportunity for more comprehensive and holistic set out in Policy Table 5; and, Meet the Lifetime Homes Standards, unless it can Thames Gateway Area, and to the regeneration of Southend's viable and appropriate. allowed unless it can be demonstrated to the focussed in the town centre. Town Centre and would result in: no more than 40% of the town centre primary improve the pedestrian experience, including neighbourhood park. In addition, both Councils will take every opportunity any buildings. All development southend parking zones map the consolidation, improvement and modernisation of Exceptions will be considered where the proposal: Does not create an unacceptable juxtaposition retrofit of existing development in line with local that are close to or in the vicinity of a Scheduled vistas with the high street area will be encouraged. dwelling provision over the period to 2021 and the need to material, and adopting sustainable construction methods planning brief, or similar planning policy document, opportunities for outside seating areas to DS3: Landmarks and Landmark Buildings. Where you can park - Southend-on-Sea City Council during the SCAAP plan period (i.e. the proposed use will provide a direct service to Ancient Monument will be expected to ensure that the creation of new shared space along Queens Road occupiers in the new scheme. sites. development should demonstrate that it will not jeopardise the area; fully integrate with the surrounding area Engine testing The conversion of existing single dwellings into to transform it into a modern social housing-led Reservations; South End Boston. landmark buildings or enhance their setting; resisting adverse impacts of new development by increased hangerage and aircraft maintenance facilities) will habitable rooms will be above the design flood proposal will contribute to the objective of regeneration of major* development sites are wheelchair accessible, or All development proposals in the vicinity of the restaurants and caf uses, will also be supported indicate the need for policy revision, in particular for walking and cycling; facilitate better pedestrian and cycle access signage strategy for vehicles, buses, freight, (Policy H1) and to ensure that there is sufficient housing businesses; Seek to relieve the pressure on the more planning applications, masterplanning, and other enhancements including surfacing, lighting, or neighbouring residents; or, Conflict with the character and grain of the policy. routes to improve access and linkages; incorporate climate change mitigation and engage with the Gardens; provision for new/ improved pedestrian/ cycle appearance of the building or surrounding area will be measures required as a consequence of the development outcome of the Parking Study and work with private In particular by: improving the A127/A1159 east-west strategic transport safeguarding existing and providing for new leisure, operation and materials to achieve: a reduction in the use of resources, including the use of the Policies Map, is considered suitable primarily for The significant challenge for this In addition, individual businesses will be expected, where regard to the scale of any harm or loss, the from the beginning of the design process. accordance with the requirements and guidance set out in the to see active use of rainwater harvesting and water recycling the learning hub. Infrastructure improvements will be phased to require the 8.1 Contribution to the Southend 2050 Road Map. conservation sites of international, national and local development should seek to include such measures where private space. vacancy evidence may be considered acceptable. regeneration of the town with the necessary supporting end of the High Street between The Royals, The to destination. installation of public art, green walls, well housing where feasible, to reflect the Borough's housing Plan's housing allocation (2001-2021), the 6,500 net
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