2. A COVID-19 drive-thru testing site is opening Thursday at a park in Hialeah, county officials announced. El ayuntamiento de la Ciudad de Hialeah estar cerrado al pblico a partir del lunes 30 de marzo de 2020 hasta nuevo aviso. This Order shall not be interpreted to restrict any employee or customer from accessing any essential retail or commercial establishment to address any emergency or other exigent circumstance, even if a mask is not readily available at the time such emergency or other exigent circumstance occurs. Sin perjuicio de las disposiciones de los prrafos 1 y 2, todas las personas deben cubrirse la nariz y la boca con una mscara en restaurantes, establecimientos comerciales de servicios de alimentos, farmacias, supermercados, tiendas de comestibles y todos los dems establecimientos comerciales esenciales que venden al pblico en general (a ) alimentos para humanos, alimentos para animales / mascotas, suministros para mascotas o productos de bebidas; (b) materiales de construccin, electrnica de consumo, tecnologa o electrodomsticos, dispositivos de telecomunicaciones; o (c) suministros o productos de oficina. Se recomienda encarecidamente a todos los establecimientos comerciales y minoristas esenciales que implementen polticas para que los empleados utilicen equipos de proteccin personal, como guantes, sujeto a la disponibilidad de dichos artculos. Estacionamiento Este - 347 Don Shula Dr., Miami Gardens, FL 33056 Horario: 9 a.m. a 5 p.m. Hard Rock Stadium ser un sitio mvil de pruebas COVID-19. Necesita Hablar Con un Representate de Servicio al Cliente? Solo por cita.Para reservar una cita para hacerse la prueba del coronavirus (COVID-19): LLAME AL 305-COVID19305-268-4319. 4. All owners or operators of retail and commercial establishments and any facility or other establishment permitted to open shall abide by the most stringent requirement on the use of face masks by employees and patrons of the establishment. Need to Speak with Customer Service Representative? HIALEAH, FLA. (WSVN) - As coronavirus cases spike across South Florida, another drive-thru testing site has opened at Amelia Earhart Park in Hialeah. 2. Businesses with more than 500 employees are eligible in certain industries. Continuaremos procesando planos de concurrency y site plan review, aplicaciones para audiencias publicas y cartas de zonificacion. Limited active uses allowed are walking, jogging, or general exercise on open fields. To make an appointment, call 954-400-0472. El toque de queda en la ciudad de Hialeah que permanecer en vigencia segn lo ordenado por la Orden de Toque de Queda de emergencia emitida el lunes 30 de marzo de 2020 a las 10:30 a.m. y modificada el 2 de abril de 2020 a las 3:00 p.m. cambio en las horas de toque de queda provistas en esta Orden. Esta Orden no se interpretar para restringir a ningn empleado o cliente el acceso a cualquier establecimiento minorista o comercial esencial para abordar cualquier emergencia u otra circunstancia exigente, incluso si no se dispone de una mscara en el momento en que ocurre dicha emergencia u otra circunstancia exigente. For more information on this site, please read our Privacy Policy, and Terms of Service. All loans will have the same terms regardless of lender or borrower. Se convoca a la Reunin Especial del Consejo de la Ciudad para aprobar la asignacin o el gasto de fondos pblicos en artculos que se consideran esenciales para continuar las operaciones, funciones y servicios de la ciudad durante la pendencia de la emergencia de salud pblica. Esperamos su total colaboracin. (281 KB), pdf To monitor the current situation and for additional updates please visit: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus2019-ncov/index.html, Notice of Public Virtual Meeting Impact Bargaining Between City of Hialeah and IAFF Local 1102, Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. All administrative authority vested in the local business tax administrator or licensing administrator pursuant to Article II, in Chapter 86 of the Hialeah, Fla. Code of Ordinances to take emergency action, order the cessation or closure of business, suspend or revoke business tax receipts for violations of any applicable Emergency or Executive Order issued in response to COVID-19 during the pendency of a declared state of emergency by the President, the Governor of the State, Miami-Dade County Mayor or I, in the City of Hialeah, is hereby delegated to the Chief of Police. The department of public works is closed to the public due to the covid-19 crisis until further notice. Bucky Dent Park and Babcock Park will offer COVID-19 Testing and Monoclonal Treatment from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM starting December 23rd, 2021. We will continue to operate internally with limited staff. La agenda de esta reunin especial est disponible para el pblico en el sitio web de la ciudad y se puede acceder en https://www.hialeahfl.gov/agendacenter. Si es aprobado, se le proveer un sitio de internet donde se podr hacer el pago del permiso con tarjeta de crdito/debito (Visa/MasterCard). Click here for more information and to obtain an application. Debe garantizar la retencin de al menos un (1) empleado, No puede ser una cadena de negocio o franquicia. $61 Million to facilitate the development and review, both pre-market and post-market, of medical countermeasures, devices, therapies, and vaccines to combat COVID-19. All City of Hialeah public meetings will be postponed until further notice. Uploaded Lease Agreement (Lease must be current, fully executed, and for a minimum of 12 months), Other documents may be required after you are approved, Renter must have lost their job due to COVID-19, This opportunity is not available to renters that are already receiving assistance from the City of Hialeah, Household income must be at or below 60% Average Median Income, Identificacin con fotografa del solicitante inquilino, Contrato de arrendamiento (el contrato de arrendamiento debe ser actual, totalmente ejecutado y por un mnimo de 12 meses), Es posible que se requieran otros documentos despus de su aprobacin, Para inquilinos de bajos ingresos en Hialeah, El inquilino debe haber perdido su trabajo debido a COVID-19, Esta oportunidad no est disponible para inquilinos que ya reciben asistencia de la Ciudad de Hialeah, Los ingresos del hogar deben ser iguales o menos al 60% del ingreso medio promedio, direct link at hialeah.merchanttransact.com, Bill Depository 24/7 (located adjacent to the Drive-Thru), Siga los enlaces a travs de la pgina www.hialeahfl.gov, Enlace directo: hialeah.merchanttransact.com, Pagos por correo (3700 W 4 AV, Hialeah, FL 33012), Pagos por telfono 305-556-3800 (elija su idioma y marque #2 para pagar por telfono), Pagos a travs de AMSCOT (885 W 49th St, Hialeah, FL 33012), Ventanilla para servicio al automovilista: 8:30am-5:00pm de lunes-viernes, Caja para depsitos 24/7 (junto a la ventanilla servicio al automovilista), Resident travel to and from approved, essential workplaces, Dog walking: residents must stay within 250 feet of their home or building at all times, Provision of essential state, county and City of Hialeah emergency services and hospital services, water service & sewer connections/repairs, Servicio de agua y reparaciones/conexiones de alcantarillado, payments by mail (3700 W 4 AV, Hialeah, FL 33012) , payment by phone 305-556-3800 (select language and choose #2 for pay by phone) , payments made at AMSCOT (885 W 49th ST, Hialeah, FL 33012) , Drive-Thru teller 8:30am-5:00pm Mon-Fri , Pagos por correo (3700 W 4 AV, Hialeah, FL 33012) , Pagos por telfono 305-556-3800 (elija su idioma y marque #2 para pagar por telfono) , Pagos a travs de AMSCOT (885 W 49th St, Hialeah, FL 33012) , Ventanilla para servicio al automovilista: 8:30am-5:00pm de lunes-viernes , Caja para depsitos 24/7 (junto a la ventanilla servicio al automovilista. All Hialeah Public Libraries will be closed effective Friday, March 20, 2020, until further notice. Amelia Earhart Park. Copyright 2023 Sunbeam Television Corp. All rights reserved. It is located at Charles Hadley Park, 1350 NW 50th Street, in Liberty City. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. ; 2nd car thief still at large. CareerSource South Florida will continue to provide needed services online and via phone at (305)929-1547, Monday through Friday from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. In order to protect the safety and well-being of our residents and employees, due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) the following protocol is now in place until further notice: Paying Bills? Among five of the biggest drive-thru testing sites in Miami-Dade County Hard Rock, Marlins Park, South Dade Government Center in Cutler Bay, the Youth Fair at Tamiami Park and Amelia Earhart . Effective 12:01 a.m. Wednesday, May 27, 2020, the restrictions on the use of walk-up service windows or "ventanitas" at all food service establishments in the City of Hialeah (COVID-19-COH-EO-8) is hereby rescinded and of no further effect as of the effective date of this order. Le agradecemos su paciencia y atencin a estas nuevas normas. The Office of the City Clerk can also email a copy of the agenda to anyone who requests a copy by telephone at (305) 883-5820 or by email at cityclerk@hialeahfl.gov. All retail and commercial establishments and any other establishment or facility permitted to open as of 12:01a.m. The provisions of this order shall serve as minimum standards. 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by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Thirty-Sixth Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Thirty-Fifth Extension of Emergency order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Thirty-Fourth Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Thirty-Third Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Thirty-Second Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Thirty-First Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Thirtieth Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Twenty-Ninth Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Twenty-Eighth Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Twenty-Seventh Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Twenty-Sixth Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Twenty-Fifth Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Twenty-Fourth Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Twenty-Third Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Twenty-Second Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Twenty-First Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Twentieth Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Nineteenth Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Eighteenth Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Seventeenth Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Sixteenth Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Fifteenth Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Fourteenth Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Thirteenth Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Twelfth Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Eleventh Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Tenth Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Ninth Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Eighth Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Seventh Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Sixth Extension of Emergency Order Issued Monday, March, 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Fifth Extension of the Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Fourth Extension of the Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Third Extension of the Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Second Extension of the Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, First Extension of the Emergency Order Issued Monday, March 16, 2020 by the Mayor of the City of Hialeah, Press Release: City of Hialeah declares State of Emergency Due to COVID-19/La Ciudad de Hialeah Declara Estado de Emergencia Debido a COVID-19. Hialeah is not planning to slow down the progress and lives of our residents by shutting down. 9. Commencing on July 3, 2020, a curfew is hereby imposed for all of Miami-Dade County, including incorporated and unincorporated areas, effective from 10 p.m. each night through 6 a.m the next morning, until cancelled or revised. Notice of Public Virtual Meeting Impact Bargaining Between City of Hialeah and IAFF Local 1102 (CANCELLED), NOTICE OF PUBLIC VIRTUAL MEETING IMPACT BARGAINING BETWEEN CITY OF HIALEAH AND FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE LODGE 12. This Emergency Order shall be strictly adhered to at all times while the Citys declaration of emergency remains in effect and enforceable pursuant to Florida law. Private sector employers with fewer than 500 workers and government entities would have to provide employees with paid sick time off to self-quarantine, obtain a medical diagnosis or care for coronavirus, or provide care for a family member who has been diagnosed or is in quarantine or for a child whose school or day care has closed due to coronavirus. Please check back periodically as this information may change. The Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees is called to approve matters deemed essential to carry out the Board of Trustees duties in overseeing the proper management and administration of the Citys Employees Retirement System during the pendency of the public health emergency. We are however committed to offer all the best options for testing and treatment for all those who need it. How can I find the closest bus route/stop? States could cover tests for uninsured people through their Medicaid programs and receive a 100% FMAP to cover the cost. All persons while outside their homes shall also abide by the most stringent requirement on the use of face masks. 8. shall be strictly adhered to at all times while the Citys declaration of emergency remains in effect and enforceable pursuant to Florida law. *Please note, permits or plans pick up will not be provided & process numbers will not be issued at the moment nor will an upfront fee be collected at that time. The use of face masks at all times pursuant to City COVID-19-COH-EO-7 and 7A is mandatory while at city parks. El alcalde Carlos Hernndez ha firmado una Declaracin de estado de emergencia para la ciudad de Hialeah, hoy lunes 16 de marzo de 2020 a las 10:23 a.m. en conjunto con el estado de emergencia declarado por el estado de la Florida y el condado de Miami-Dade. Una mscara requerida por esta Orden puede ser de tela hecha en casa, segn lo recomendado por la CDC. All Emergency Orders issued to date by the City of Hialeah in response to the COVID-19 pandemic are hereby numbered sequentially in the order issued and in the manner provided in the following table: First Extension of Declaration of State of Local Emergenc through March 30, 2020, Second Extension of Declaration of State of Local Emergency through A ril 6, 2020, Third Extension of Declaration of State of Local Emergenc through April 13, 2020, Meeting Guidelines and Procedures for Virtual Council Meetings, Restrictions on Use of Walk-up Service Windows, Fourth Extension of Declaration of State of Local Emergency through April 20, 2020, Post-Suspension/Revocation Virtual Hearings, Fifth Extension of Declaration of State of Local Emer enc through April 27, 2020, Sixth Extension of Declaration of State of, Order Numbering All Emergency Orders Issued by the City of Hialeah in Response to COVID-19 for Ease of Reference, NOTICE OF VIRTUAL SPECIAL PUBLIC MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. This Order shall remain in effect for the period of time the Citys declaration of emergency remains in effect or until rescinded or modified, whichever occurs first. Active Duty Service Members: Report to Acute Respiratory 2 Trailer (next to the clinic on Patch Barracks) between 0800-1000 for PCR COVID Test. Must Keep Employees on the Payrollor Rehire Quickly. Miami, FL 33141 HIALEAH, FLA. (WSVN) - As coronavirus cases spike across South Florida, another drive-thru testing site has opened at Amelia Earhart Park in Hialeah. A link to the Citys Facebook page can be found on the Citys website at www.hialeahfl.gov. Bucky Dent Park and Babcock Park will offer COVID-19 Testing and Monoclonal Treatment from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Si llama antes de las 9 a.m., no podr conectarse. No collateral or personal guarantees are required. THEREFORE, in response to the impending risk to the life, health, safety and welfare posed by Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) to our citizenry and pursuant to the authority set forth in Florida Statutes 5252.38 and in furtherance of all national, state, county and local emergency orders issued to date not inconsistent with this order; Emergency Order Reopening All City Parks For Limited Use in The City Of Hialeah (COVID-19-COH-EO-19), EMERGENCY ORDER DELAYING PHASE 1 REOPENING OF NON-ESSENTIAL BUSINESSES IN THE CITY OF HIALEAH. Todos los pasajeros deben permanecer dentro de los vehculos desde la llegada hasta la salida. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Gazebos, picnic shelters, banquet halls, stadiums, and theaters remain closed until further order. Debe estar al da con las licencias comerciales y los impuestos. The application period opens today, March 17, 2020 and runs through May 8, 2020. States would be eligible for a 6.2 percentage point increase in their federal medical assistance percentages (FMAP). Small businesses with 500 or fewer employeesincluding nonprofits, veterans organizations, tribal concerns, self-employed individuals, sole proprietorships, and independent contractors are eligible. 8. Test-centers of the city of Stuttgart, pharmacies and other private test-centers which can be . The Citys use of face masks is governed by COVID-19-COH-EO-7, issued on April 9, 2020 and amended on May 12, 2020 by COVID-19-COH-EO-7A. If you have previously submitted for one of the permits listed above and it has been approved, please inquire about the ability to pay the fees online and obtain the approved permit documents via email. Should you have any further questions please contact the Department of Parks & Recreation at (305) 687-2650.Tenga en cuenta que a partir del mircoles 18 de marzo de 2020, todos los Parques e Instalaciones de Recreacin de la Ciudad de Hialeah estarn cerrados hasta nuevo aviso. Emergency Order Requiring All Persons to Cover Nose and Mouth in Public in the City of Hialeah. The Paycheck Protection Program provides small businesses with funds to pay up to 8 weeks of payroll costs including benefits. To book an appointment to get tested for the coronavirus (COVID-19): En colaboracin con el Comisionado Esteban Bovo, Jr. y el ex Senador Ren Garca, un centro de pruebas gratuito para realizar examenes del coronavirus va abrir a partir del 2 de abril de 2020 a las 9:00 a.m en Amelia Earhart Park (401 E 65th St, Hialeah, FL 33013). *En ese momento, la Ciudad de Hialeah evaluar las recomendaciones de los CDC y el Condado de Miami-Dade y proporcionar una actualizacin. 1401 79th Street Causeway The curfew runs from 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. nightly until further notice. The use of face masks while spectating team sports, whether organized or pickup games, whether meets or practices, and while at enclosed or indoor park facilities is mandatory at all times. This order shall remain in effect for the period of time the Citys declaration of emergency remains in effect or until rescinded or modified, whichever occurs first. The measure would waive federal work requirements for SNAP eligibility. La Ciudad de Hialeah podr utilizar esta Declaracin de Estado de Emergencia para preparar a la Ciudad en caso de emergencia y proporcionar acceso a recursos adicionales, que estarn disponibles para la Ciudad en caso de emergencia. 3. El perdn se reducir si disminuye el personal a tiempo completo, o si los sueldos y salarios disminuyen. Ron DeSantis issued an executive stay-at-home order for all Florida residents, Daughter of Buccaneers LB Shaqil Barrett drowns in family pool, Crash injuring 2 in Davie leads to road closures, air rescue helicopter landing, Panthers oust record-setting Bruins 4-3 in OT in Game 7, Lithuanian man arrives in Miami after rowing solo across Atlantic Ocean from Spain, Suspected car thief who led police on cross-county chase captured south of Sunrise Blvd.
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